fear and trembling by soren kierkegaard

it's been a while since i last read any book about faith, and this book has got to be one of the best that illustrates how faith (or having faith) works. i read the quran sporadically and sometimes i am still not clear of what the mechanism is (which i think those are explored by the various imams writing on the subject) - but this book explores the mechanism of faith through scenarios of abraham taking isaac to offer his to slaughter in the name of god. 

a friend said this book is as religious as an athiest could get, but i learn a thing a or two about faith that i haven't learn elsewhere (and grudgingly questioning why hari raya haji sermon hasn't yet discuss the concept of korban this way). 


  1. i just found this page..i just have to say..COOL! nice blog...

    1. thanks! are you a reader too? do let me know if you are interested to do book reviews in this page.

  2. Babe, are you a member of Goodreads Malaysia? If not yet, please join us and share your reading there. It's an awesome community.


    Join the 2017 reading challenge! And share your fabulous reviews!

    1. hi hi su! i am but i am a slow reader la segan nak join book challenge. la ni pun semput2 nak sampai buku ke-15.

  3. Have you by any chance have read The Atheist Muslim by Ali Rizvi?

    1. i have the book but i have yet to read it. i sorely need to update this blog!


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